There are so many ways to convey emotion. To express that you are present and grateful for the people and things that matter around you. When you can’t find the words, say it with flowers. Say it with fragrance.
The poetry of memory is everlasting. The simple fragrances we encounter every day permanently imprint us with a sense of time, a sense of place.
A childhood vacation to a treasured beach house is triggered by the scent of the sea mingling with a campfire and the final neroli blossoms of the season.
A small vase of fragrant flowers next to a guest bed demonstrates how excited you are that a dear friend is coming to stay with you.
Lighting a candle and putting flowers on the table when you help your child with their homework creates ritual and lends importance to everyday routine.
A subscription of gardenias to come as often as possible for a loved one that is far away serves as a continual reminder that they are in your heart.
These small, simple gestures live forever. We are honored to help you create memories.
With love from High Camp,