“Tutto passa” ('Everything Passes') is an Italian saying that reminds us of the impermanence of life, to be resilient in the face of adversity, and to appreciate the beauty in every moment.
Ephemeral Luxury is based on exactly that. The luxury and grace of the moment at hand. Living for today and all that is lovely in the present.
Do not miss the hopeful bright sparkle in a friend’s eyes.
Play your music loud, and enjoy making a sandwich. It doesn’t matter what you are doing. It is about being grateful. Being alive.
I love fresh flowers, candles burning and music playing, because they signal a "light on" inside. A joyous heart.
Celebrate every day and cement memories in tiny moments.
With love from High Camp,
Susan Hanson
"High Camp Supply is a brand that sits at the intersection of floral appreciators and those who know how to effectively romanticize their lives."
- Dieline