"The greatest gift of the garden is restoration of the five senses."
- Hanna Rion"
As we begin the holiday season, I'm reminded that an open heart and loving acceptance are the best things we can bring to any table. I try to focus on cherishing every opportunity, inconvenience, challenge, and precious moment shared with family, loved ones and friends (new and old) in an effort not to miss the meaning of gathering.
It is easy to forget as we stress about getting everything done, but the holiday season is the perfect time to slow down, to create new traditions for your modern home, as well as to honor those of generations past and years gone by. 
We chose gardenias as our signature gift because of how they are treasured through time. The unique and incomparable fragrance evokes memories, stirs deep emotion, and cements unforgettable multi-sensory experiences for all who encounter it.

As the original purveyor of farm-to-door flowers and experiential luxury, High Camp proudly offers sensory gifting experiences... timeless in the hearts of our recipients.
Feast your senses and cement memories with those most near and dear.  Wishing you a joyous and memorable kickoff to the holiday season. 
With love from High Camp,
Susan Hanson