"It is the summers of our middle childhood that we remember with an almost impossible clarity. We may forget the summer we were married; we do not forget being twelve years old and lying face down on the deck of a red-sailed Star and trailing one hand in blue Maine water, so cold it seemed to burn the bone... Summer is, after all, the season of escape: the landscape in which to contemplate, alone, our failures and our possibilities; the safety valve, the frontier that none of us wants- or can afford- to see closed."
- Joan Didion in "American Summer" ("Vogue", 1963)
Summer overflows our senses with deeply impactful experiences… burning tiny moments into the patchwork of our being, ready and waiting for us to call upon over the years with the simple taste of a peach, a breeze filled rhododendron, sun filtering in through a curtain on to a floorboard.
Travel, visits from loved ones, hosting special guests, eating outdoors, hauling in the garden’s bounty, quiet moments laying on the sand, cooking with distant relatives in a treasured beach house escape ...
These are the times that burn brightest in our treasured cache of days gone by.
Travel teaches us the importance of imprinting memories. They are all we can take with us wherever we go.
A simple fragrance can quickly transport you back in time to a specific afternoon.
It is this type of imprinting that High Camp Ephemeral Luxury was built around.
High Camp Supply was created to celebrate the everyday and make the ordinary extraordinary through sensory gifting, transporting recipients through fragrance and simple charm elevated to a luxury level.
Experience our favorite scent of summer, ROMA: La Cittá Eterna, in our newest "Campfire" offerings for a magnetic sensory overload, wherever Summer may take you.
Give a gift that will reside in memory, long after the last bloom fades.
Wishing you a summer filled with memories to cherish.
With love from High Camp,
Susan Hanson