Re-entry has is challenges, yet so often nothing else can compete with the long awaited arrival back to your own doorstep after summer holidays.
As much as we may long for special travel, the comforts of home eventually beckon.
Fall will forever be a time to reset. The promise of crisp autumn breezes urge us to nest and get cozy, to set goals, pull out cookbooks, to gratefully welcome traditions old and new…
There are still long, warm nights dining in the yard to look forward to, and each is to be cherished.
Yet flickers of suede boots, fall leaves, favorite sweaters and tucked-in nights with big fires and candles everywhere begin to swell in our minds.
Celebrate each day as the opportunity that it is to make memories. The simplest moments are what fairytales are really made of.
With love from High Camp,
Susan Hanson